Thursday, April 29, 2010

"Anything is good if it's made of chocolate"

A few short weeks (okay a month, I'm behind, AGAIN) I would have agreed with Jo Brand. I now know that it's a lie, lie, lie!

Since we were busy little cooking bee's in February, my brilliant idea of a chocolate themed dinner got pushed to March. Obviously a full meal of chocolate would be fantastic, right?

Wrong. It started innocently enough. Homemade ravioli , with ricotta and chocolate, in a sage and butter sauce (Thanks Mario Battali).

Doesn't that dough look innocent? It was. And doesn't that filling look normal?

See... it even looks okay on that nice little plate there. It wasn't.
Let me assure you: do not attempt this at home. I'm not going to say it was the first cooking club fail. Fail is a strong word. First cooking club "bad idea" is probably a better description.

The only way I suggest trying this again is if Mario himself makes it for you. (You hear that Mario? Feel free to come cook for me whenever you want).

But, in true cooking in the hood style we're not quitters. We had plenty of other things to keep us occupied. Champagne does go well with chocolate, even if the chocolate isn't very good.

Let's hope my next pick for a theme has a better result.
PS. Please note. I refuse to share the actual recipe. Google it if you are that interested.